Good article and relevant for family law. We see similar software in many of our divorce cases and in abusive...
Angel Burke Law Articles
Sorry Angie, Kids Testifying in a Custody Trial is a Bad Idea
Source: Angelina Jolie Reportedly Objects to a Tentative Ruling Awarding Brad Pitt Increased Custody of Their Kids...
Need a Reset? The End of Pandemic Life Can Be a Fresh Start.
Behavioral scientists have long known that times of disruption and transition also create new opportunities for growth...
Need a Reset? The End of Pandemic Life Can Be a Fresh Start.
Behavioral scientists have long known that times of disruption and transition also create new opportunities for growth...
What will your new normal be? Thinking of skipping town and taking your kids away to another part of the country?
What will your new normal be after the restrictions lift around COVID? Thinking of skipping town, leaving your roots,...
Don’t Hold Off on Divorce Until Your Kids Are Adults
Beyond the initial news and going in between homes, Morin said parents stay married because they think attending...
The Nervous Person’s Guide to Re-entering Society
One positive aspect of the pandemic is that it has made us question the things in our lives that were draining, such...
After Your Divorce Lawyer Files a Divorce: The Next Steps- Get Your PDF on
You or your divorce lawyer files for divorce, then what? Divorce attorneys in Massachusetts know what to do after they...
Child Support Lawyers Can Help You to Apply for Child Support In Massachusetts
Child support lawyers can help you apply for child support services with the Department of Revenue (DOR) after you...
Trial Court 90-day plan for operations through April 5, 2021
Update: Be prepared for the COVID status quo in courts until at least April! My recent blog contains what to expect...
Divorce During the Pandemic – The New York Times
Informative and relevant article on some of the challenges that all divorce attorneys and clients face in probate and...
Family Law and COVID – Divorce Lawyers Must Follow the New Probate and Family Court Standing Orders
Divorce lawyers and their clients have to follow new rules at the courts that handle divorce and other family law...