Child support lawyers can help you apply for child support services with the Department of Revenue (DOR) after you receive a child support order. Child support attorneys can help you obtain the child support order and help you apply for DOR services.
DOR is separate and apart from the court system. Yes, they collect your taxes but they also can collect child support.
You cannot apply for services by receiving a court order, instead, you must apply for services with the Department of Revenue, which is a state agency.
Its important to know that either party (or the child’s guardian) can decide and request to use DOR services to collect and distribute child support.
Many people ask me whether they should use DOR services or not.
The easy answer is that it depends.
For some people it works great because they don’t have to think about it and after set up, support is automatically withdrawn from the paycheck to an account. This is especially convenient for folks who are “W2” employees or those who have trouble paying on their own.
For other folks, particularly those who are self-employed, it is not necessarily automatic and can create problems.
- If you pay child support, you are called the obligor. If you collect child support, you are called the obligee.
- You also must apply for DOR services for the first time before the youngest child turns 18.
To fully discuss your options over whether DOR services are right for you, contact Angel Burke Law.
If you choose to apply on your own, click here for a link:

Child Support Attorneys can help you whether you are owed money or owe money